glTF decoder

This commit is contained in:
Szymon Nowakowski 2023-11-28 21:19:22 +01:00
parent 23520a9898
commit 4bf3f3cd73

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
import * as data from "./data";
import { Renderer } from "./oktaeder";
import * as resources from "./resources";
@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ import * as data from "./data";
export interface ParseResult {
readonly cameras: readonly data.Camera[];
readonly materials: readonly data.Material[];
readonly materials: readonly resources.Material[];
readonly lights: readonly data.Light[];
readonly scenes: readonly data.Scene[];
readonly scene: data.Scene | null;
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ export interface ParseResult {
export interface ParseErrorProps {
message: string;
position?: JsonPosition | undefined;
jsonPath?: string | undefined;
severity: ParseErrorSeverity;
options?: ErrorOptions | undefined;
@ -118,30 +120,25 @@ export type ParseErrorSeverity =
export class ParseError extends Error {
override message: string;
position: JsonPosition | undefined;
jsonPath: string | undefined;
severity: ParseErrorSeverity;
}: ParseErrorProps) {
super(message, options);
this.message = message;
this.position = position;
this.jsonPath = jsonPath;
this.severity = severity;
export interface JsonPosition {
readonly line: number;
readonly column: number;
readonly path: number;
export interface ParseOptions {
readonly renderer: Renderer;
* When `true`, the parser will throw with a `ParseError` on the first error
* encountered. This includes warnings when `treatWarningsAsErrors` is
@ -175,13 +172,14 @@ export interface ParseOptions {
export async function parse(gltf: ArrayBufferView, {
throwOnError = true,
stopOnFirstError = true,
treatWarningsAsErrors = false,
}: ParseOptions = {}): Promise<ParseResult> {
}: ParseOptions): Promise<ParseResult> {
const cameras: data.Camera[] = [];
const materials: data.Material[] = [];
const materials: data.DynamicMaterial[] = [];
const lights: data.Light[] = [];
const scenes: data.Scene[] = [];
const scene: data.Scene | null = null;
@ -325,13 +323,17 @@ export type AccessorType =
| "MAT4"
export interface Version {
major: number;
minor: number;
export interface Asset {
version: `${string}.${string}`;
minVersion: `${string}.${string}`;
version: Version;
minVersion?: Version;
export interface Buffer {
uri?: string;
byteLength: number;
@ -508,3 +510,661 @@ export interface Texture {
source?: number;
name?: string;
function isInUint32Range(value: number): boolean {
return value >= 0 && value < 4294967296;
function parseAccessor(path: string, value: unknown): Accessor | ParseError {
if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
if (value.componentType !== 5120 && value.componentType !== 5121 && value.componentType !== 5122 && value.componentType !== 5123 && value.componentType !== 5125 && value.componentType !== 5126)
throw new Error("Expected v.componentType to be one of ComponentType.Byte, ComponentType.UnsignedByte, ComponentType.Short, ComponentType.UnsignedShort, ComponentType.UnsignedInt, ComponentType.Float");
if (value.type !== "SCALAR" && value.type !== "VEC2" && value.type !== "VEC3" && value.type !== "VEC4" && value.type !== "MAT2" && value.type !== "MAT3" && value.type !== "MAT4")
throw new Error("Expected v.type to be one of \"SCALAR\", \"VEC2\", \"VEC3\", \"VEC4\", \"MAT2\", \"MAT3\", \"MAT4\"");
if (typeof value.count !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.count to be a number");
if (value.bufferView !== undefined && typeof value.bufferView !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.bufferView to be a number");
if (value.byteOffset !== undefined && typeof value.byteOffset !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.byteOffset to be a number");
if (value.normalized !== undefined && typeof value.normalized !== "boolean")
throw new Error("Expected v.normalized to be a boolean");
function parseComponentType(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): ComponentType | ParseError {
if (value !== 5120 && value !== 5121 && value !== 5122 && value !== 5123 && value !== 5125 && value !== 5126) {
const message = `Invalid component type. Only values of 5120, 5121, 5122, 5123, 5125 and 5126 are valid component types. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be a component type, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
return value;
function parseAccessorType(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): AccessorType | ParseError {
if (value !== "SCALAR" && value !== "VEC2" && value !== "VEC3" && value !== "VEC4" && value !== "MAT2" && value !== "MAT3" && value !== "MAT4") {
const message = `Invalid accessor type. Only values of "SCALAR", "VEC2", "VEC3", "VEC4", "MAT2", "MAT3", "MAT4" are valid component types. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be an accessor type, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
return value;
function parseAsset(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): Asset | ParseError {
if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) {
const message = `Invalid asset. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be an object, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
const object = value as Record<string, unknown>;
if (typeof object["version"] !== "string") {
const path = jsonPath + ".version";
const message = `Invalid asset. Property at ${path} is supposed to be a string, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(object["version"])}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
if ("minVersion" in object && typeof object["minVersion"] !== "string") {
const path = jsonPath + ".minVersion";
const message = `Invalid asset. Optional property at ${path} is supposed to be a string, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(object["minVersion"])}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
const version = parseVersion(jsonPath + ".version", object["version"]);
if (version instanceof ParseError) return version;
const minVersion = "minVersion" in object
? parseVersion(jsonPath + ".minVersion", object["minVersion"] as string /* type checked above */)
: undefined;
if (minVersion instanceof ParseError) return minVersion;
return {
...(minVersion && { minVersion }),
const VERSION_REGEX = /^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/;
function parseVersion(jsonPath: string, value: string): Version | ParseError {
if (typeof value !== "string") {
const message = `Invalid version. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be a string, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
const match = VERSION_REGEX.exec(value);
if (match === null) {
const message = `Invalid version. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be in the form of <major>.<minor>, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
const major = Number(match[1]);
if (!isInUint32Range(major)) {
const message = `Invalid version. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be in the form of <major>.<minor>, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}. There ain't no way glTF has ${major} major versions.`
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
const minor = Number(match[2]);
if (!isInUint32Range(major)) {
const message = `Invalid version. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be in the form of <major>.<minor>, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}. There ain't no way glTF has ${minor} minor versions.`
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
return { major, minor };
function parseBuffer(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): Buffer | ParseError {
if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) {
const message = `Invalid buffer. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be an object, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
if ("uri" in value) {
jsonPath += ".uri";
const message = `Unsupported feature. Property at ${jsonPath} exists, which means that this buffer is supposed to be loaded via a URI. Loading external resources via URIs is not currently supported.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
if (!("byteLength" in value)) {
jsonPath += ".byteLength";
const message = `Invalid buffer. Property at ${jsonPath} is undefined, but is required.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
if (typeof value.byteLength !== "number") {
jsonPath += ".byteLength";
const message = `Invalid buffer. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be a number, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
if (!Number.isInteger(value.byteLength)) {
jsonPath += ".byteLength";
const message = `Invalid buffer. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be an integer, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
if (!isInUint32Range(value.byteLength)) {
jsonPath += ".byteLength";
const message = `Invalid buffer. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be an integer, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}, which is an integer, but there ain't no way you have a buffer with ${value.byteLength} bytes.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
return value as Buffer;
function parseBufferView(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): BufferView | ParseError {
if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
if (typeof value.buffer !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.buffer to be a number");
if (typeof value.byteLength !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.byteLength to be a number");
if (value.byteOffset !== undefined && typeof value.byteOffset !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.byteOffset to be a number");
if (value.byteStride !== undefined && typeof value.byteStride !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.byteStride to be a number");
function parseCamera(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): Camera | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be one of CameraOrthographic, CameraPerspective");
else {
if (v.type !== "orthographic")
if (v.type !== "perspective")
throw new Error("Expected v to be one of CameraOrthographic, CameraPerspective");
else {
const {
orthographic: orthographic_5
} = v;
if (typeof orthographic_5 !== "object" || orthographic_5 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic to be an object");
if (typeof orthographic_5.yfov !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.yfov to be a number");
if (typeof orthographic_5.znear !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.znear to be a number");
if (orthographic_5.aspectRatio !== undefined && typeof orthographic_5.aspectRatio !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.aspectRatio to be a number");
if (orthographic_5.zfar !== undefined && typeof orthographic_5.zfar !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.zfar to be a number");
else {
const {
orthographic: orthographic_6
} = v;
if (typeof orthographic_6 !== "object" || orthographic_6 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic to be an object");
if (typeof orthographic_6.xmag !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.xmag to be a number");
if (typeof orthographic_6.ymag !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.ymag to be a number");
if (typeof orthographic_6.zfar !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.zfar to be a number");
if (typeof orthographic_6.znear !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.znear to be a number");
function parseCameraOrthographic(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): CameraOrthographic | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
const {
orthographic: orthographic_7
} = v;
if (v.type !== "orthographic")
throw new Error("Expected v.type to be equal to \"orthographic\"");
if (typeof orthographic_7 !== "object" || orthographic_7 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic to be an object");
if (typeof orthographic_7.xmag !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.xmag to be a number");
if (typeof orthographic_7.ymag !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.ymag to be a number");
if (typeof orthographic_7.zfar !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.zfar to be a number");
if (typeof orthographic_7.znear !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.znear to be a number");
function parseCameraPerspective(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): CameraPerspective | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
const {
orthographic: orthographic_8
} = v;
if (v.type !== "perspective")
throw new Error("Expected v.type to be equal to \"perspective\"");
if (typeof orthographic_8 !== "object" || orthographic_8 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic to be an object");
if (typeof orthographic_8.yfov !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.yfov to be a number");
if (typeof orthographic_8.znear !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.znear to be a number");
if (orthographic_8.aspectRatio !== undefined && typeof orthographic_8.aspectRatio !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.aspectRatio to be a number");
if (orthographic_8.zfar !== undefined && typeof orthographic_8.zfar !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.orthographic.zfar to be a number");
function parseOrthographic(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): Orthographic | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
if (typeof v.xmag !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.xmag to be a number");
if (typeof v.ymag !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.ymag to be a number");
if (typeof v.zfar !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.zfar to be a number");
if (typeof v.znear !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.znear to be a number");
function parsePerspective(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): Perspective | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
if (typeof v.yfov !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.yfov to be a number");
if (typeof v.znear !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.znear to be a number");
if (v.aspectRatio !== undefined && typeof v.aspectRatio !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.aspectRatio to be a number");
if (v.zfar !== undefined && typeof v.zfar !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.zfar to be a number");
function parseImage(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): Image | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
if (v.mimeType !== undefined && v.mimeType !== "image/jpeg" && v.mimeType !== "image/png")
throw new Error("Expected v.mimeType to be one of \"image/jpeg\", \"image/png\", undefined");
if (v.uri !== undefined && typeof v.uri !== "string")
throw new Error("Expected v.uri to be a string");
if (v.bufferView !== undefined && typeof v.bufferView !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.bufferView to be a number");
if ( !== undefined && typeof !== "string")
throw new Error("Expected to be a string");
const VALID_IMAGE_MIME_TYPES: readonly unknown[] = Object.freeze(["image/jpeg", "image/png"] satisfies ImageMimeType[]);
function parseImageMimeType(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): ImageMimeType | ParseError {
if (VALID_IMAGE_MIME_TYPES.includes(value)) {
return value as ImageMimeType;
const message = `Invalid image MIME type. Only MIME types "image/jpeg" and "image/png" are supported, but property at ${jsonPath} has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
function parseMaterial(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): Material | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
const {
emissiveFactor: emissiveFactor_3,
emissiveTexture: emissiveTexture_3,
normalTexture: normalTexture_3,
occlusionTexture: occlusionTexture_3,
extensions: extensions_3,
pbrMetallicRoughness: pbrMetallicRoughness_3
} = v;
if (v.alphaMode !== undefined && v.alphaMode !== "OPAQUE" && v.alphaMode !== "MASK" && v.alphaMode !== "BLEND")
throw new Error("Expected v.alphaMode to be one of \"OPAQUE\", \"MASK\", \"BLEND\", undefined");
if ( !== undefined && typeof !== "string")
throw new Error("Expected to be a string");
if (v.doubleSided !== undefined && typeof v.doubleSided !== "boolean")
throw new Error("Expected v.doubleSided to be a boolean");
if (emissiveFactor_3 !== undefined) {
if (!Array.isArray(emissiveFactor_3))
throw new Error("Expected v.emissiveFactor to be an array");
if (typeof emissiveFactor_3[0] !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.emissiveFactor[0] to be a number");
if (typeof emissiveFactor_3[1] !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.emissiveFactor[1] to be a number");
if (typeof emissiveFactor_3[2] !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.emissiveFactor[2] to be a number");;
if (emissiveTexture_3 !== undefined) {
if (typeof emissiveTexture_3 !== "object" || emissiveTexture_3 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.emissiveTexture to be an object");
if (typeof emissiveTexture_3.index !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.emissiveTexture.index to be a number");
if (emissiveTexture_3.texCoord !== undefined && typeof emissiveTexture_3.texCoord !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.emissiveTexture.texCoord to be a number");;
if (normalTexture_3 !== undefined) {
if (typeof normalTexture_3 !== "object" || normalTexture_3 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.normalTexture to be an object");
if (typeof normalTexture_3.index !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.normalTexture.index to be a number");
if (normalTexture_3.scale !== undefined && typeof normalTexture_3.scale !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.normalTexture.scale to be a number");
if (normalTexture_3.texCoord !== undefined && typeof normalTexture_3.texCoord !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.normalTexture.texCoord to be a number");;
if (occlusionTexture_3 !== undefined) {
if (typeof occlusionTexture_3 !== "object" || occlusionTexture_3 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.occlusionTexture to be an object");
if (typeof occlusionTexture_3.index !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.occlusionTexture.index to be a number");
if (occlusionTexture_3.strength !== undefined && typeof occlusionTexture_3.strength !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.occlusionTexture.strength to be a number");
if (occlusionTexture_3.texCoord !== undefined && typeof occlusionTexture_3.texCoord !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.occlusionTexture.texCoord to be a number");;
if (extensions_3 !== undefined) {
if (typeof extensions_3 !== "object" || extensions_3 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.extensions to be an object");
const {
KHR_materials_emissive_strength: KHR_materials_emissive_strength_3,
KHR_materials_ior: KHR_materials_ior_3
} = extensions_3;
if (KHR_materials_emissive_strength_3 !== undefined) {
if (typeof KHR_materials_emissive_strength_3 !== "object" || KHR_materials_emissive_strength_3 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.extensions.KHR_materials_emissive_strength to be an object");
if (KHR_materials_emissive_strength_3.emissiveStrength !== undefined && typeof KHR_materials_emissive_strength_3.emissiveStrength !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.extensions.KHR_materials_emissive_strength.emissiveStrength to be a number");;
if (KHR_materials_ior_3 !== undefined) {
if (typeof KHR_materials_ior_3 !== "object" || KHR_materials_ior_3 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.extensions.KHR_materials_ior to be an object");
if (KHR_materials_ior_3.ior !== undefined && typeof KHR_materials_ior_3.ior !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.extensions.KHR_materials_ior.ior to be a number");;
if (pbrMetallicRoughness_3 !== undefined) {
if (typeof pbrMetallicRoughness_3 !== "object" || pbrMetallicRoughness_3 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness to be an object");
const {
baseColorFactor: baseColorFactor_3,
baseColorTexture: baseColorTexture_3,
metallicRoughnessTexture: metallicRoughnessTexture_3
} = pbrMetallicRoughness_3;
if (pbrMetallicRoughness_3.metallicFactor !== undefined && typeof pbrMetallicRoughness_3.metallicFactor !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicFactor to be a number");
if (pbrMetallicRoughness_3.roughnessFactor !== undefined && typeof pbrMetallicRoughness_3.roughnessFactor !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.roughnessFactor to be a number");
if (baseColorFactor_3 !== undefined) {
if (!Array.isArray(baseColorFactor_3))
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor to be an array");
if (typeof baseColorFactor_3[0] !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor[0] to be a number");
if (typeof baseColorFactor_3[1] !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor[1] to be a number");
if (typeof baseColorFactor_3[2] !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor[2] to be a number");
if (typeof baseColorFactor_3[3] !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor[3] to be a number");;
if (baseColorTexture_3 !== undefined) {
if (typeof baseColorTexture_3 !== "object" || baseColorTexture_3 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture to be an object");
if (typeof baseColorTexture_3.index !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.index to be a number");
if (baseColorTexture_3.texCoord !== undefined && typeof baseColorTexture_3.texCoord !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.texCoord to be a number");;
if (metallicRoughnessTexture_3 !== undefined) {
if (typeof metallicRoughnessTexture_3 !== "object" || metallicRoughnessTexture_3 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture to be an object");
if (typeof metallicRoughnessTexture_3.index !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture.index to be a number");
if (metallicRoughnessTexture_3.texCoord !== undefined && typeof metallicRoughnessTexture_3.texCoord !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture.texCoord to be a number");;
function parseMaterialExtensions(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): MaterialExtensions | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
const {
KHR_materials_emissive_strength: KHR_materials_emissive_strength_4,
KHR_materials_ior: KHR_materials_ior_4
} = v;
if (KHR_materials_emissive_strength_4 !== undefined) {
if (typeof KHR_materials_emissive_strength_4 !== "object" || KHR_materials_emissive_strength_4 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.KHR_materials_emissive_strength to be an object");
if (KHR_materials_emissive_strength_4.emissiveStrength !== undefined && typeof KHR_materials_emissive_strength_4.emissiveStrength !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.KHR_materials_emissive_strength.emissiveStrength to be a number");;
if (KHR_materials_ior_4 !== undefined) {
if (typeof KHR_materials_ior_4 !== "object" || KHR_materials_ior_4 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.KHR_materials_ior to be an object");
if (KHR_materials_ior_4.ior !== undefined && typeof KHR_materials_ior_4.ior !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.KHR_materials_ior.ior to be a number");;
function parseKHR_materials_emissive_strength(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): KHR_materials_emissive_strength | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
if (v.emissiveStrength !== undefined && typeof v.emissiveStrength !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.emissiveStrength to be a number");
function parseKHR_materials_ior(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): KHR_materials_ior | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
if (v.ior !== undefined && typeof v.ior !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.ior to be a number");
function parseMaterialPbrMetallicRoughness(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): MaterialPbrMetallicRoughness | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
const {
baseColorFactor: baseColorFactor_4,
baseColorTexture: baseColorTexture_4,
metallicRoughnessTexture: metallicRoughnessTexture_4
} = v;
if (v.metallicFactor !== undefined && typeof v.metallicFactor !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.metallicFactor to be a number");
if (v.roughnessFactor !== undefined && typeof v.roughnessFactor !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.roughnessFactor to be a number");
if (baseColorFactor_4 !== undefined) {
if (!Array.isArray(baseColorFactor_4))
throw new Error("Expected v.baseColorFactor to be an array");
if (typeof baseColorFactor_4[0] !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.baseColorFactor[0] to be a number");
if (typeof baseColorFactor_4[1] !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.baseColorFactor[1] to be a number");
if (typeof baseColorFactor_4[2] !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.baseColorFactor[2] to be a number");
if (typeof baseColorFactor_4[3] !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.baseColorFactor[3] to be a number");;
if (baseColorTexture_4 !== undefined) {
if (typeof baseColorTexture_4 !== "object" || baseColorTexture_4 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.baseColorTexture to be an object");
if (typeof baseColorTexture_4.index !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.baseColorTexture.index to be a number");
if (baseColorTexture_4.texCoord !== undefined && typeof baseColorTexture_4.texCoord !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.baseColorTexture.texCoord to be a number");;
if (metallicRoughnessTexture_4 !== undefined) {
if (typeof metallicRoughnessTexture_4 !== "object" || metallicRoughnessTexture_4 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.metallicRoughnessTexture to be an object");
if (typeof metallicRoughnessTexture_4.index !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.metallicRoughnessTexture.index to be a number");
if (metallicRoughnessTexture_4.texCoord !== undefined && typeof metallicRoughnessTexture_4.texCoord !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.metallicRoughnessTexture.texCoord to be a number");;
function parseTextureInfo(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): TextureInfo | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
if (typeof v.index !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.index to be a number");
if (v.texCoord !== undefined && typeof v.texCoord !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.texCoord to be a number");
function parseNormalTextureInfo(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): NormalTextureInfo | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
if (typeof v.index !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.index to be a number");
if (v.scale !== undefined && typeof v.scale !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.scale to be a number");
if (v.texCoord !== undefined && typeof v.texCoord !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.texCoord to be a number");
function parseOcclusionTextureInfo(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): OcclusionTextureInfo | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
if (typeof v.index !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.index to be a number");
if (v.strength !== undefined && typeof v.strength !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.strength to be a number");
if (v.texCoord !== undefined && typeof v.texCoord !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.texCoord to be a number");
function parseAlphaMode(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): AlphaMode | ParseError {
if (v !== "OPAQUE" && v !== "MASK" && v !== "BLEND")
throw new Error("Expected v to be one of \"OPAQUE\", \"MASK\", \"BLEND\"");
function parseMesh(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): Mesh | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
const {
primitives: primitives_3
} = v;
if ( !== undefined && typeof !== "string")
throw new Error("Expected to be a string");
if (!Array.isArray(primitives_3))
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives to be an array");
const [t_23, t_24] = primitives_3;
if (typeof t_23 !== "object" || t_23 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[0] to be an object");
const {
attributes: attributes_5
} = t_23;
if (t_23.indices !== undefined && typeof t_23.indices !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[0].indices to be a number");
if (t_23.material !== undefined && typeof t_23.material !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[0].material to be a number");
if (t_23.mode !== undefined && t_23.mode !== 1 && t_23.mode !== 2 && t_23.mode !== 3 && t_23.mode !== 4 && t_23.mode !== 5 && t_23.mode !== 6 && t_23.mode !== 0)
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[0].mode to be one of PrimitiveMode.Lines, PrimitiveMode.LineLoop, PrimitiveMode.LineStrip, PrimitiveMode.Triangles, PrimitiveMode.TriangleStrip, PrimitiveMode.TriangleFan, PrimitiveMode.Points, undefined");
if (typeof attributes_5 !== "object" || attributes_5 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[0].attributes to be an object");
if (attributes_5.POSITION !== undefined && typeof attributes_5.POSITION !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[0].attributes.POSITION to be a number");
if (attributes_5.NORMAL !== undefined && typeof attributes_5.NORMAL !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[0].attributes.NORMAL to be a number");
if (attributes_5.TANGENT !== undefined && typeof attributes_5.TANGENT !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[0].attributes.TANGENT to be a number");
if (attributes_5.TEXCOORD_0 !== undefined && typeof attributes_5.TEXCOORD_0 !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[0].attributes.TEXCOORD_0 to be a number");
if (attributes_5.TEXCOORD_1 !== undefined && typeof attributes_5.TEXCOORD_1 !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[0].attributes.TEXCOORD_1 to be a number");
if (typeof t_24 !== "object" || t_24 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[1] to be an object");
const {
attributes: attributes_6
} = t_24;
if (t_24.indices !== undefined && typeof t_24.indices !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[1].indices to be a number");
if (t_24.material !== undefined && typeof t_24.material !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[1].material to be a number");
if (t_24.mode !== undefined && t_24.mode !== 1 && t_24.mode !== 2 && t_24.mode !== 3 && t_24.mode !== 4 && t_24.mode !== 5 && t_24.mode !== 6 && t_24.mode !== 0)
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[1].mode to be one of PrimitiveMode.Lines, PrimitiveMode.LineLoop, PrimitiveMode.LineStrip, PrimitiveMode.Triangles, PrimitiveMode.TriangleStrip, PrimitiveMode.TriangleFan, PrimitiveMode.Points, undefined");
if (typeof attributes_6 !== "object" || attributes_6 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[1].attributes to be an object");
if (attributes_6.POSITION !== undefined && typeof attributes_6.POSITION !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[1].attributes.POSITION to be a number");
if (attributes_6.NORMAL !== undefined && typeof attributes_6.NORMAL !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[1].attributes.NORMAL to be a number");
if (attributes_6.TANGENT !== undefined && typeof attributes_6.TANGENT !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[1].attributes.TANGENT to be a number");
if (attributes_6.TEXCOORD_0 !== undefined && typeof attributes_6.TEXCOORD_0 !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[1].attributes.TEXCOORD_0 to be a number");
if (attributes_6.TEXCOORD_1 !== undefined && typeof attributes_6.TEXCOORD_1 !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.primitives[1].attributes.TEXCOORD_1 to be a number");
function parsePrimitive(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): Primitive | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
const {
attributes: attributes_7
} = v;
if (v.indices !== undefined && typeof v.indices !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.indices to be a number");
if (v.material !== undefined && typeof v.material !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.material to be a number");
if (v.mode !== undefined && v.mode !== 1 && v.mode !== 2 && v.mode !== 3 && v.mode !== 4 && v.mode !== 5 && v.mode !== 6 && v.mode !== 0)
throw new Error("Expected v.mode to be one of PrimitiveMode.Lines, PrimitiveMode.LineLoop, PrimitiveMode.LineStrip, PrimitiveMode.Triangles, PrimitiveMode.TriangleStrip, PrimitiveMode.TriangleFan, PrimitiveMode.Points, undefined");
if (typeof attributes_7 !== "object" || attributes_7 === null)
throw new Error("Expected v.attributes to be an object");
if (attributes_7.POSITION !== undefined && typeof attributes_7.POSITION !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.attributes.POSITION to be a number");
if (attributes_7.NORMAL !== undefined && typeof attributes_7.NORMAL !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.attributes.NORMAL to be a number");
if (attributes_7.TANGENT !== undefined && typeof attributes_7.TANGENT !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.attributes.TANGENT to be a number");
if (attributes_7.TEXCOORD_0 !== undefined && typeof attributes_7.TEXCOORD_0 !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.attributes.TEXCOORD_0 to be a number");
if (attributes_7.TEXCOORD_1 !== undefined && typeof attributes_7.TEXCOORD_1 !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.attributes.TEXCOORD_1 to be a number");
function parsePrimitiveMode(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): PrimitiveMode | ParseError {
if (v !== 1 && v !== 2 && v !== 3 && v !== 4 && v !== 5 && v !== 6 && v !== 0)
throw new Error("Expected v to be one of PrimitiveMode.Lines, PrimitiveMode.LineLoop, PrimitiveMode.LineStrip, PrimitiveMode.Triangles, PrimitiveMode.TriangleStrip, PrimitiveMode.TriangleFan, PrimitiveMode.Points");
function parseSampler(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): Sampler | ParseError {
if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null)
throw new Error("Expected v to be an object");
if (v.magFilter !== undefined && v.magFilter !== 9728 && v.magFilter !== 9729)
throw new Error("Expected v.magFilter to be one of MagFilter.Nearest, MagFilter.Linear, undefined");
if (v.minFilter !== undefined && v.minFilter !== 9728 && v.minFilter !== 9729 && v.minFilter !== 9984 && v.minFilter !== 9985 && v.minFilter !== 9986 && v.minFilter !== 9987)
throw new Error("Expected v.minFilter to be one of MinFilter.Nearest, MinFilter.Linear, MinFilter.NearestMipmapNearest, MinFilter.LinearMipmapNearest, MinFilter.NearestMipmapLinear, MinFilter.LinearMipmapLinear, undefined");
if (v.wrapS !== undefined && v.wrapS !== 33071 && v.wrapS !== 33648 && v.wrapS !== 10497)
throw new Error("Expected v.wrapS to be one of WrappingMode.ClampToEdge, WrappingMode.MirroredRepeat, WrappingMode.Repeat, undefined");
if (v.wrapT !== undefined && v.wrapT !== 33071 && v.wrapT !== 33648 && v.wrapT !== 10497)
throw new Error("Expected v.wrapT to be one of WrappingMode.ClampToEdge, WrappingMode.MirroredRepeat, WrappingMode.Repeat, undefined");
function parseMagFilter(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): MagFilter | ParseError {
if (value !== 9728 && value !== 9729) {
const message = `Invalid magnification filter. Only values of 9728 and 9729 are valid component types. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be a magnification filter, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
return value;
function parseMinFilter(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): MinFilter | ParseError {
if (value !== 9728 && value !== 9729 && value !== 9984 && value !== 9985 && value !== 9986 && value !== 9987) {
const message = `Invalid minification filter. Only values of 9728, 9729, 9984, 9985, 9986 and 9987 are valid component types. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be a minification filter, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
return value;
function parseWrappingMode(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): WrappingMode | ParseError {
if (value !== 33071 && value !== 33648 && value !== 10497) {
const message = `Invalid wrapping mode. Only values of 33071, 33648 and 10497 are valid wrapping modes. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be a wrapping mode, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
return value;
function parseTexture(jsonPath: string, value: unknown): Texture | ParseError {
if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) {
const message = `Invalid texture. Property at ${jsonPath} is supposed to be an object, but has value of ${JSON.stringify(value)}`;
return new ParseError({ message, jsonPath, severity: "error" });
const object = value as Record<string, unknown>;
if (value.sampler !== undefined && typeof value.sampler !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.sampler to be a number");
if (value.source !== undefined && typeof value.source !== "number")
throw new Error("Expected v.source to be a number");
if ( !== undefined && typeof !== "string")
throw new Error("Expected to be a string");